Learning a vibrational program to change your life

SIMPLE Vibrational program to change your life

Since we have already written some articles about the vibration of life and how it influences us, it is time to make a small summary in program format, to be able to apply it easily and change our lives from now on. 

In this program in addition to steps we will leave links to browse and if you like to expand knowledge and acquire very useful products. 

We know that everything around us is energy, and one from another changes in the frequency of its vibration. The universe is neutral, it does not discriminate good or evil, for it, it only is or it is not, that if, for the ''All'' the most important thing is the balance, and it will do everything to achieve it, destroying or creating. Our mind is an exact copy of the mind of the ''All'', but unlike the universal mind, we lose in that of balances, generating a disordered vibrational chaos, and then we are dragged by that disorder that we ourselves create. 

So let's get to work, we start with order. 

1.Water Memory

We are 70% water and it is programmable. The water we drink has memory too, food, since it has water in it, is also programmable. Everything we can program with words we write, pronounce and even sounds we produce. 

Drink from containers with positive words. Put paper under glass or container with words, love, wealth, goodness, beauty, etc. Carry water bottle with symbol and meaningful word everywhere. Before drinking, pronounce in a loving and kind voice the written word about three times and say thank you. 

Wear clothes with symbols that you know their meaning, as it influences your energy. Wear pendants, rings and other jewelry that has correct symbology, also pay attention to phrases you wear, remove brand labels in case their symbol or words do not match your desires. Schedule your waters whenever you can. 

2. Symbols

Symbols were the most important thing for magicians, wizards, witches, druids, Celts, Masons, Illuminati and many occult and not so occult groups. Different religions, economy and market is filled with symbols. And that's because they are really important, as they strongly influence the energetic vibration. 

Fill your life with symbols that you know and have control over, symbols of love, peace, health, abundance. Use these symbols as jewelry, in tattoos or on clothing. You will see how they have a positive impact.

3. Rituals

Rituals, just like symbols, are very valuable. Likewise, the lodges and people knowledgeable in esoteric sciences used rituals for everything. In fact, a ritual in a good part influences the memory of our subconscious, and that is in charge of directing our way through RAS

A very simple, but efficient ritual is the use of sigils. Burn a sigil to get what you want. Don't use them too constantly. One every three months maximum.

4. The frequency of mind, heart and soul

We have already said, our body emanates and absorbs energy. However, it is broken down into three levels, the energy of the mind, the heart and the energy of the soul. For you to get what you want, these three energy sources must be tuned, vibrate at the same frequency. In other words, it is not only thinking what you want, but also feeling the same, and wishing the same for others. When all are aligned, the request is fulfilled by the law of attraction. 

When you are relaxed or in a meditative state, reflect on what you want, try to feel it with all your heart, and imagine others happy also having it, or that it influences them in something good, what you are going to get. That is not only to receive, but also to give. Empathy counts a lot. 

5. Reticular Activation Sistem RAS

This magic is scientifically proven heh heh. The activation of the reticular system is necessary for our brain to automate the processes and filter the information only that which you need. However, you can do it consciously, so that it brings you exclusively and only what you ask for. 

It is very similar to point 4. For SAR to be activated correctly, you will need to put emotion into your request, think about it a lot, use a sigil can help. Then you will be surprised how your environment will be filled with information related to your request. Submit to it fully. 

6. Willpower

Great, here everything is already very clear, it is not that the universe, God, or aliens can give you just like that, if you do not put anything on your part. Remember the balance. The universe is not capricious, but it likes to work by inertia, you start the engine and accelerate and the great ''Everything'' gives you all the gasoline and speed, in fact it will take you where you drive. Your willpower is your Divine part, a flash of creative power.  

A little bit of effort to get what you want with all the tools described above, will bring you fortunes, beauty, health, happiness, etc. 

7. 7 Hermetic Principles

Everything starts from the same energy and its poles only differ in their degree of frequency. Remember that if you are sad you are not really sad at all, you are just a little less happy, because sadness is the same energy as happiness. Think about the scale of your sadness and try to raise the vibration with positive attitudes and thoughts. 

When you are in a situation that you dislike, remember that this situation is the same as the one you like, but in the opposite pole. Now, in your hands, flip the coin or raise the vibration, stop a little and think how you lowered the vibration, so you will know how to raise it again.

8. Habit

For a new habit to appear, or an old one to stop working, it takes about 21 days. The sorceresses asked their clients (if you can call them that), to repeat the rituals, phrases or spells, because it was the way our brain would adapt that information. Back then it was magic. Now it is science. 

Choose one simple but useful thing to change in you, and repeat that action for 21 days or until you feel you are doing it effortlessly, on autopilot. Your life, with one small new habit, changes radically. The rest of the habits you will already change in Fibonacci sequence by inertia. 

9. The Word and the Sound

Since everything, absolutely everything is vibration and frequency, the words we use when speaking or perceiving and the tone of voice, mark us powerfully. 

Change the way you speak, starting by substituting a bad word for a good one, or letting the silence flow. Speak in a friendly but firm tone. The magnetism will start to flow and you will realize that you become very attractive, people will approach you. 

Here I left you a summary in the form of a program of the articles written so far in our blog. Now I will summarize it even more to remember each step easily. 

9 simple steps to happiness

1. Program your waters, your body's waters, the waters you use and consume. 

2. Alter your environment and your body with sacred symbols. 

3. Use esoteric rituals to give more strength to your petitions. 

4. Align the frequency of your wishes with emotion and empathy. 

5. Employ the SAR

6. A little bit of Willpower to start, use motivational inertia and emotion. 

7. Think that bad and good for the universe is the same, it just changes in degrees. Use that knowledge and raise your frequency.  

8. Habituate your actions or mindset. 

9. Speak nicely


Life is a puzzle, sometimes the pieces fit together perfectly, other times you have to find the missing ones.