The Magic of Abundance
Thanks to the universal energy of abundance, people buy, sell or exchange.
Neurological and psychological research has already shown that strong, intelligent and practical people are ideal for attracting the energy of money. These types of people usually have a better inner state, and this seems to be the cause of luck in their work, life and great earnings. If a person has low energy frequency, this causes financial problems.
The energy of money is both material and psychological and emotional. It is very good, energetically speaking, that if you offer money a suitable environment, placing your bills in a beautiful wallet and offering it a metal or wooden ''house'', the subconscious will take it as the area where your development should take place. Develop economy and grow money.
Generally, money follows those who respect and value it
One of the customs of the gypsy culture says that for good economic luck money should be counted at least once a day, without exceeding the amount of 3 times.
1. Rite: The Sachet of Abundance
How to make a magic bag that attracts abundance:
A preferred bag of natural fibers
Before putting anything in this bag we need to clean it of bad vibrations, and we do this with smoke.
Add the lodestone to the bottom first, followed by the tiger's eye stone. We place tiger eye the magnet at the bottom.
Then we add everything else.
To activate the bag, we will have to close it and place it on a white plate next to the candle.
Now walk your hand over the bag and repeat sustained in the present with which you decree energies of abundance. Affirmations mentioned below will do.
P.S. The time in which your spell will come true can vary depending on different circumstances; however, the most important is your reliability and delivery.
Creating Powerful Money Energy
Of course, without a proper mindset towards money, the energy of abundance is not activated, on the contrary, it is repelled. So from now on, you will love money and you will understand that money loves you. These thoughts will build pathways for the surrounding energetic flow of abundance and it will begin.
How to control your mind so that money comes closer?
We will begin by thanking for all the abundance and the money received. This gratitude stimulates the flow of economic wealth. Soon someone will change into your client, they will be happy about a business deal or maybe they will find the money that you lost the other day. You have to thank the universe for all of this. Rejoice in every detail no matter how the money came to you. You will notice how the energy field of economy is increasing permeating your entire home.
Affirmations about money
These affirmations can be pronounced every day until they are recorded in the subconscious.
- I am the air that fills the void
- I am the Ocean full of wealth
- I am the money light
The point of view is the most important!
Understanding that every economic state is a flow of energy, we are going to opt for a very fundamental rule: energy has to vibrate in frequency of abundance. The principle of ''cause and effect'' works here: ''the more you give, the more you receive''.
This does not mean that you should spend your money right and left, hoping that gold will rain down on you later. To which it refers, that when spending money, do not be filled with feelings of remorse, this must happen with mental tranquility and thought, that what was spent will return in greater quantity.
Preferably, have no necessary expenses. However, no one has ever been known to become rich by saving every penny. Magnetized abundance of energy can only be achieved by changing thought. Stop repeating: <I have no money, I earn nothing> and say <I can afford everything>. Use the visualization method, as imagination is a proven "highway" to the subconscious. You have to not only want, but also strive to change your point of view towards money and economic energy, even if it seems a little strange to you.
2. Rite: Bottle of Abundance
- Glass bottle (Try that everything you use is as natural as possible and abounds in this land)
The food that the Earth offers us is a direct representation of abundance and for this reason it contains the energy of wealth.
Add some small coins to the bottom of the bottle.
Fill the bottle with seeds. Decorate it with some cinnamon, which is what helps protect the ritual from bad vibrations.
Decorate your entrance to the house, living room or kitchen with this bottle. From time to time light a candle nearby and give thanks for the abundance that the earth and the universe offer you.
Money Attracts Money
The crescent moon marks - the rising energy, which itself symbolizes all growing life forms. Exactly, during the time of the waxing moon is the time to perform all the magical rites, those that have to do with abundance and economic well-being. This simple, yet powerful practice will help you regain the flow of weakened abundance energy. It is important that the rituals proceed during the growth of the moon, also called the Young Moon. It is recommended to perform money magic on Friday, since it is the day of Venus. Venus is not only responsible for matters of love, but also for abundance and this is probably why she is called "Little Luck".
3. Rite
So when the moon is in its crescent moment, and it falls on Friday, immediately after Sunset (the moment of Venus is potentiated there) we take 12 coins, if they are of greater value, the better. We put these, near the window where the moonlight can illuminate them (don't worry if it's cloudy, which is required, moonlight that illuminates the night and in turn the coins). It is important that no family member or pet can throw or catch them.
Concentrate and repeat the spell out loud:
''Beautiful moon helps, protect us from poverty. Bring abundance to this house and may our money bring money. Precious Venus helps, protect us from poverty. Let our money produce more money. It's done!"
The spell phrase has to be repeated 12 times, since you leave 12 coins, to planets wich will protect its.
The next day these coins recharged with the energy of abundance should be kept in the usual wallet. These coins you have to carry out more than three days. Do not spend them until the moon passes the phase of almost full moon. This moon energy will also make your wallet grow. During this time get a red cord, look for a bag of natural fiber (linen, ideally). Put the coins in this bag and tie with the string. Then place everything in the area where you keep jewels: so that these too are flooded with energy of abundance.
All these spells are the extract of different cultures of shamanism and magic. We hope that each one works and fills your lives with abundance.
In nature, everything has its beginning and its end. And we know that the human being is more focused on growth.
The earth offers us abundance in exchange for maintaining balance on it. A person aware of this and if he submits, is automatically surrounded by the energy of abundance, because the earth and the universe introduce him to non-scarcity. In equilibrium there is no scarcity.
4. Rite "Money Tree"
Sow some avocado or apple seeds or the little tree that you like the most. At the bottom of the pot place some coins. Then soil and seed or seedling. You can also plant in your garden, or forest.
The more you plant, the better. Thus you give the earth what it needs, its nature, and by the "Law of Cause and Effect" what you need will be returned to you.
There is a small tree called ''Pachira Aquatica'', it is a small tree that attracts abundance, since it is recharged with the energy of money given to its legend.
According to Taiwanese legend, a very poor farmer prayed to the gods for help. And one day in his land he found a Pachira tree and supposed that his prayers reached the ears of the Gods and they gave him this plant. The man made them reproduce and braid their trunks. This caught the attention of many, thus causing the peasant to sell them and prosper. For which the plant received the name "Money Tree".
Whoever owns the tree is believed to have an accumulation of economic wealth energy. Important that you have to take care of it and in return you will receive riches that it returns to you.
The crooked trunk is the yin-yang, and its leaves are the five elements: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, which together attract the energy of abundance.
If you get this little tree, put some coins in the bottom of the pot. If you can, try to reproduce the tree and then give it to the person whose economy you want to improve (of course with some coins in the bottom of the pot).
"The pursuit of riches can be a never-ending journey, but the pursuit of happiness is a destination."